
  • Crew’s Ginger Latte (Halia Latte)

    Crew’s Ginger Latte (Halia Latte)
    Coffee and ginger may be a new concept for many, but it has been consumed by many in the past. Especially popular in Bali, Indonesia, ginger coffee is commonly made with fresh ground ginger brewed in hot water and added to coffee and milk.
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  • Benefits of Cold Brew Coffee

    Benefits of Cold Brew Coffee

    Reaching for your third cup of coffee for the day? Other than knowing that the caffeine keeps you awake, it always feels better to know what are the health benefits of cold brew coffee (but please, moderation is key.). We list out some of the amazing benefits of this precious liquid gold we all know as coffee:

    Boosting your metabolism

    Cold brew coffee contains caffeine which has been known to boost your metabolism by up to 11%! This increases your body’s fat burning rate and it is also a perfect workout booster. Just remember not to add on too much sugar into your drink to keep it healthy.

    Improving your performance

    Cold brew coffee is shown to increase ketones that can curb cravings and improve mental performance.

    Lowering your risk of heart disease

    Caffeine is high in antioxidants which may lower your risk of heart disease. Chlorogenic acid is a powerful antioxidant which is found in coffee beans, and it is highly sensitive to heat. Cold brewing coffee beans ensure that these powerful antioxidant are retained in the beverage.

    May be easier on your stomach than hot coffee

    Due to the lower acidity of cold brewed coffee, it is much easier for your stomach to digest than hot brewed coffee. It is also less likely to irritate your stomach, which is often the reason for why you might experience acid reflux, heartburn or indigestion when consuming hot brewed coffee. If you’re pulling an all-nighter and reaching out for that next cup of coffee, cold brewed coffee is definitely a better option as it is much gentler on your tummy while you work the night away.


    Final note:

    Truly, there are many health benefits with the consumption of cold brewed coffee. However, like all health foods, excessive consumption of caffeine is never advised. Remember to limit the sugary add ons in your daily cuppa to reap the maximum health benefits from your cold brew coffee!

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  • What are the white sediments in my cold brew?

    What are the white sediments in my cold brew?

    Coffee oils are volatile — it can evaporate when heated enough, creating that fragrant aroma when the coffee beans are hot brewed. These oils are the ones responsible for the flavour, body and aroma of your coffee, and the cold brewing technique is the best at retaining these precious oils in your coffee as much as possible.

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  • Why is cold brew better?

    Why is cold brew better?

    Previously we wrote a post explaining the cold brewing method and in today’s post we will be talking more about the benefits of this brewing method. 


    • Less acidic and bitter

    One of the main reasons the cold brewing method is growing in popularity is that this brewing method results in a smooth cup of coffee without any harsh acidic or bitter aftertaste. Without the use of heat and pressure, the compounds in the coffee beans are less likely to be broken down resulting in either an acidic or bitter taste. Of course this can still happen if the cold brewing method is done incorrectly and is under or over extracted.


    • Better for stomach and teeth for heavy coffee drinkers

    Because of the reduced acidity, this brew method is much preferred by heavy coffee drinkers as it is less harsh on the teeth and stomach. The lower acidity prevents teeth from eroding quickly and becoming sensitive. Similarly, for people with acid reflux problems, cold brew coffee is a better option for a coffee drink with lower acidity to avoid triggering a reflux situation.


    • Stronger natural flavours

    While acidity and bitterness are reduced, the cold brewing method brings out strong natural flavour unique to the type of coffee beans you are using. This method is most popular when extracting single-origin or speciality grade beans as it allows the unique flavours of that particular coffee to be brought out and appreciated. 


    • Stays fresh for longer

    Because of the lack of heat and/or pressure used during brewing, the compounds in the coffee stay intact and do not oxidise as quickly, allowing the entire brew to stay fresh for a longer time. While oxidation will definitely take place over time, cold brewing allows a longer period of freshness (2-4 weeks) when brewed properly and stored appropriately in a refrigerated area as opposed to other brewing methods that only stay fresh for a day.

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